Tanya: Vocals

Recordings: Infernal Divine, Mirror Darkly

Oily: Vocals, lyrics, arrangements

Recordings: Infernal Divine, Mirror Darkly


Kelly: Vocals

Recordings: Mirror Darkly

Vic: art direction, lyrics, arrangements

Recordings: Infernal Divine, Mirror Darkly





Anthony: Contributing producer

Recordings: Infernal Divine, Mirror Darkly




anoN: guitar, bass, keyboards, drum programming, lyrics, arrangements

Recordings: Infernal Divine, Mirror Darkly






Some time ago, I was asked a very simple question: “If you could musically do whatever you wanted, what would that sound like?”
Shai Azul is the answer to that question.

Shai Azul Band History
in printable .pdf format

It is hard to say that any one particular artist has shaped Shai Azul’s sound.  Throughout the recording project, we drew inspiration from (but not limited to) these artists:

Rammstein, Slayer, Razed In Black, King’s X, Duran Duran, The Fixx, The Human League, Static X, Blondie, Rob Zombie, Prince, VNV Nation, Poisonblack, Assemblage 23, Testament, KMFDM, Powerman 5000, Combichrist, Bolt Thrower, Lacuna Coil, The Sisters of Mercy, The Birthday Massacre, Halou, Android Lust…the list continues to grow.